Peter Yee
Founding Principal
Professional Bio
Peter has been thinking about process optimization longer than he can remember, but started professionally around 2004, when he started working for the Frontline Group as a consultant, helping to solve business process challenges by streamlining information flows. After working with companies and teams of all shapes and sizes for over 12 years, he and his family moved to Austin, TX to bring his talents to Jones Energy, a small upstream oil & gas company. There he continued implementing technology and process solutions that enabled a lean headcount, and more tightly integrated field operations with staff and leadership at headquarters.
With the early 2020 acquisition of Jones Energy, Peter decided to get back to his consulting roots and start Impact I/O Consulting, LLC to continue to serve customers by helping them think through their organizational input/output (I/O) challenges, and design technology and process solutions that make a tangible impact on their companies.
Peter lives in Cedar Park with his wife Kara and their three children. When he’s not working, he enjoys woodworking, smoking BBQ, volunteering for the local high school band, and spending time with family, all of which may overlap as fortune allows.